Kudos to you for waking up, and being a good husband :-)
I hope I didn't imply you weren't doing any of the good stuff before :-p
Seems like a lot of us here with a spouse still in....hope they will all wake up soon....
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
Kudos to you for waking up, and being a good husband :-)
I hope I didn't imply you weren't doing any of the good stuff before :-p
Seems like a lot of us here with a spouse still in....hope they will all wake up soon....
In JW library app updates to magazines release 2 weeks ago are sometimes available.
They also have changed printed versions, e.g. yearly volume contained other text than same original monthly issue.
And the electronic version of older lit sometimes has different text than the original printed issue.
So, yes they do.
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
Happy atheist now. Maybe I would still believe something if JW didn't force me to look into everything I ever believed.
To me, all religion is based on thin air: a (personal) God for which no evidence exists, worshipped based on ancient texts written by people with clearly different morals than we currently have.
Of course, everyone is free to believe otherwise.
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
Good point raised by some indeed, which I forgot to mention: be the best husband you can ever be.
Help your wife with everything, but especially the JW stuff if she wants.
Offer to join her for meetings, or drive her there if needed.
Cook on meeting evening, and clean the house if she is going and you are not.
It's possible your wife needs new reasons to continue loving you, so provide her with as many reasons as you can.
Why? Because (depending on how in your wife is), you are about to destroy her world. You leave her all alone forever in paradise. All alone as a spiritual widow.
She didn't sign up for this shit.
And, if you suddenly don't love God anymore, what about maybe you suddenly leave her???
She will feel insecure and need reassurance. This will be worse if she is born in....
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
I think women (in general) tend to believe on emotional grounds, not logic.
They 'feel' their belief, the WT logic is more than enough. No need to investigate (due diligence).
Men tend to be more rational, also on religious topics. Unfortunately most of JW men are bedazzled by JW 'logic'.
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
Take your time if you can. Read around this forum about others' experiences.
I still regret how did it.
First, I wanted to strengthen my faith by finding evidence to back up my faith. Result: 4 weeks later I non longer believed in God, the Bible, creation, and JW.
I hadn't told my wife about the investigation in order not to make her worried.....so when I was already very sure of my decision, I told her I would not go to meetings anymore.
She asked why, I tried to explain, she cried and got upset. I think it would have been better if I told her I cheated on her.
Some days later she was calmed down, asks why again, I tried to explain a bit. Cult defenses came up soon though.
We have written some letters back and forth in order to understand each other without the emotions of having a debate.
We're OKfor now, and have decided to not discuss religion for a while.
She hates it that I didn't bring her with me in my investigation.
I hate it too...she might have jumped ship with me if she studied what I studied.
My advice: don't tell your wife you made a decision or don't believe anymore. All her defenses may come up and then you have a problem.
Instead, tell her there are some topics you want to investigate together. Really investigate. At least then it's less of a surprise for her when you finally do show your belief is gone.
Also, I am with Hadriel: don't judge. You can believe whatever you want, and your wife has the same right. Don't argue about that.
And please remember, saving your marriage is more important now than getting your wife out of JW, or to agree with you.
Take your time. Good luck.
my favourite "logical" progression.... we demonstrated that because meaning is non-material, linguistic expressions likewise must be non-material.
we further showed that there is no indication that matter can generate non-material meaning-bearing linguistic expressions.
All I hear with arguments like these is: blablabla we do not have any real evidence so we are making stuff up.
When was the last time someone had to invent the linguistical argument for the existence of New York city?
Also, the argument that meaning and matter are separate is disputable.
All information that exists, is carried by 'matter' (where I include massless particles).
Meaning is only in the mind (which is based on matter) of the beholder.
And if DNA is so linguistical, why did the supposed creator not encode his name, and his holy writings into it? That would be fine evidence, no need for any blarguments.
Humans did that, why not the creator?
hi simon,.
thanks for maintaining this forum.. i use this site almost exclusively on my android phone and tablet.. there are 2 annoying issues there:.
search doesn't work.
Thanks for your efforts and detailed answer Simon.
I'm aware of the 'long tail' in any graph that would chart effort vs supported browsers. It's impossible to make a real site work 100% in every version of every browser on every platform on every device.
Anyway, if it can't be fixed (search and edit working on Chrome on Android) I'll find a browser that does work, or I'll just don't make an mistakes while posting ;-)
If you need any testing done or feedback on this site or the next gen, my offer stands. I can do testing on multiple platforms. It would be a nice way to fill the time when my wife is at the meetings :-p
hi simon,.
thanks for maintaining this forum.. i use this site almost exclusively on my android phone and tablet.. there are 2 annoying issues there:.
search doesn't work.
Can you verify search works on CM Browser?
Just tried it, still no luck...
been lurking around here for several weeks.
posted once or twice but not too much.
i'm a covert fade at the moment.
It would be very nice if exposing JW would be done on a more professional level than a most of it currently is done.
A lot of incoherent rants out there that look like they are created by people that lost their minds a bit. To me that was always a sign these apostates really were insane.
Now I know most of them are right, but their presentation sucks. And that's tough going up against JW.orgs slick videos (although they have some incoherent rants by insane looking GB members themselves)
Keep us updated on your activities please?